The BALSA Learning Series

The Learning Series is a 10 week comprehensive entrepreneur training program that helps participants realize their potential, introduces them to the St. Louis business ecosystem, and brings in industry experts for presentations and one on one time.

The schedule below is an example recent Learning Series. Please note, the presenters and topics may vary.

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Week 1

Learn about the BALSA Foundation. Settle in and learn our expectations, our timelines, and participate in a group activity. This is also the date you receive your check!

Week 2

Learn about branding and creating a logo that represents your business/Marketing.



Week 3

Building a website that makes a difference for your company.

Week 4

Law contracts and legal basics. Patents, Trademarks, & Copyrights

Week 5

Research basics & library resources.

Week 6

Access to capital and funding discussions.

Week 8

The Unofficial Official Business Partner/St. Louis Resources & Networking

Week 9

Accounting for your Business/Small Business & Personal Credit Finance


Week 10

Foundations of business.