The BALSA Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization run entirely by part-time volunteers. We rely on the energy and generosity of the St. Louis entrepreneurial community to fulfill our mission. Here are some ways you can help:

  • Be a BALSA Grant Application Reviewer. Reviewers help us evaluate applications to the BALSA Grant based the on quality of the idea, soundness of the business plan, and fit to our mission. Reviewers have significant business or entrepreneurial experience and are willing to write thoughtful, constructive feedback to the applicant. Time commitment: 2-3 hours, twice per year.

  • Be an Idea Supporter. Idea Supporters review business ideas of first time entrepreneurs in a critical but constructive way, and are the backbone of our Idea Support program. Idea Supporters also have business or entrepreneurial experience and are willing to write a thoughtful review roughly once a month. Time commitment: up to 1 hour per month.

  • Be a BALSA Foundation Volunteer. Volunteers work with officers on specific projects, are invited to participate in our monthly Board meetings, and typically contribute 1-3 hours per week. We are looking for help in a number of areas, including social media, community outreach, photography/video work, and event help.

  • Be an Officer. Officers work closely with the Executive Director to manage the Foundation's operations, and participate in governance as members of the Board of Directors. Officers are elected in September for one-year terms, are expected to participate in our monthly Board meetings, and generally contribute 2-5 hours per week. We have several positions open, including:

  • Learning series speaker. We are looking for business experts in various fields to speak at our learning series. Typically, this involves a one-hour presentation in front of 10-15 entrepreneurs on topics such as business development, banking, fundraising, marketing, legal, and other topics of practical interest to first time entrepreneurs. Often, presenters at the learning series will provide in-kind donations of a one hour consultation with each of our winners.

  • Provide expert advice or mentorship. We are looking to connect BALSA Grant winners for one-on-one mentoring with business professionals and experts in their field of interest.

  • Be a social media friend. Being a recognized resource for first time St. Louis entrepreneurs is central to our success. Help us spread the word by sharing our posts with your network.

If you'd like to help in any way, please fill out our volunteer signup form or contact us!  Your support of The BALSA Foundation helps empower our best and brightest to work toward a better, more equitable St. Louis.